如果您想提升自己在英文演讲、沟通表达以及领导力方面的能力,想要找到合适的练习提高场所,那么您绝对找到对方了!Toastmasters International (国际演讲会,中文简称“头马”)于1924年在美国加州成立,是在全球150个国家拥有超过14,000家俱乐部、约27万名会员的非盈利国际教育组织,通过遍布全球的线下、线上俱乐部帮助人们树立自信、培养公众演讲能力。在这个相互支持彼此鼓励的环境下,会员们准备并发表演讲,挑战即兴话题、给予和接收反馈。正是通过这种定期的锻炼,使得会员能够达到个人或职业沟通的目标,实现个人的突破和成长。
CCTMC (China Capital Toastmasters Club) 成立于2006年,是北京一家历史悠久、有着深厚底蕴、取得了众多荣誉的头马俱乐部。我们每周四晚7-9点在三里屯附近召开常规会议。常规会议分为两个部分,第一个部分是即兴演讲,每周都有一个话题,访客可以上台参与。第二个部分是会员的备稿演讲,会有专业的点评与反馈。我们期待与您一起锻炼英语口语、提高沟通表达和领导力,共同收获成长!
本周四(10月10日)的主题:What does history tell you?
Have you ever been among ancient ruins or seen centuries-old artifacts, feeling a deep connection to the past? Perhaps you've looked at the marvels of past civilizations and wondered about the people who built them without modern tools.
History is more than just a record of past events; it's a living tapestry that tells stories of human triumphs, innovations, and cultures. It gives us a broad perspective, connecting us across time.
We invite you to an engaging meeting where we'll explore our personal connections with history:
Share your memorable experiences visiting historical places or exhibition
Reflect on how these glimpses into the past have shaped your perspective
Discover the charm and lessons that history offers us today.
Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply curious, this is a wonderful opportunity to delve into the stories that have shaped our world. See you there!
有意参会的访客请提前与VPM (VP of Members) Jocelyn联系。联系方式 188 1143 5421 (微信同号)